Association Contact Information

Current Officers
Vice President
L/Col Thad "Vane" Reddick
Jan Myers
Linne Haddock
Linne Haddock



Membership in the 39th Fighter Squadron Association is open to anyone who has ever served
(or is now serving in) the 39th Squadron from its activation in December of 1939 to the present day.
We encourage all family members and friends to join us at our Reunions. Associate Membership is open
to anyone who has served in any of our sister squadrons or group/wings and to family members or
friends of 39th Squadron personnel.

If you are interested in joining or wish to contact the Association, please send an email to:

"Cobra in the Clouds"
"The 39th Squadron celebrated its 60th reunion at Eglin AFB, then home to the 39th. The 110 alumni who attended, including five aces, had a full day of activities. They toured the base, attended a luncheon and concluded the day by watching an F-16 launch. This was an opportunity to share the proud legacy and to learn about the weapons development technology that was being accomplished by the 39th Squadron in 1999.

"The keynote speaker at the luncheon was Col (Ret) Charles W. King. A painting titled "Cobra in the Clouds" was commissioned for this special event. It was dedicated by Lt. Col. Robert M. Newton, the 39th Squadron Commander at that time. The caption on the commemorative litho states:

"Forged in the fire of the Pacific Theater of WW II,

hardened in the air battles over Korea, Viet Nam, and the Persian Gulf,
the 39th Squadron continues its proud service to the United States
by developing new combat capabilities for the 21st century.
Celebrating the 60th Anniversary, 1939-1999."

Paraphrased from"Autobiographies by members of the 39th Fighter Squadron Association